

〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋3丁目2番14号


Company name

Brain Research & Marketing, Inc.


Market publications and business analysis.
Custom research and Consulting services.

Research and Marketing Field

Consumer Survey, Marketing services, Contents business, Solution/BPO services, Engineering market, Graphic Market, and ICT market concerning those businesses.

Report from Japan

Analyst, CEO Profile

Shoji Tobisawa

Shoji Tobisawa studied Social Research Methods as a university student. After work as an analyst at Yano Research Inc. and extensive experience in consumer research in the marketing research division of a major BPO firm, he conducted numerous studies of both domestic market and overseas market as a group manager at International Data Corporation Japan. That company, IDC Japan is a subsidiary of IDC which is one of the largest research companies, with over 1,000 analysts worldwide. Later, he established Brain Research & Marketing, Inc. in July 2014.

Gaining information via the internet is becoming easier day by day. However, as the information around us increases, difficulties arise for CEOs and CMOs because some risks can lead to incorrect decisions.

Companies cannot always ask consulting firms to verify data. Additionally, movement in a market that must be tracked needs to be done not only in business domain markets, but also in close markets existing beyond market borders. That necessity can produce even greater confusion.

Brain Research & Marketing, Inc. provides analyzed data as reports that are comprehensible to everyone. "Brain" in the company name signifies that "Considering a market thoroughly", whereas "Research" shows that “Analyzing the reliable data that obtained”, and “Marketing” means that “Helping clients their marketing strategy”.

In today’s markets, adaptation of analysis and activities to the needs of clients is becoming increasingly severe. In such situations, Brain Research & Marketing is a close partner for your business and for your marketing strategy.

Contact us

Please contact us by e-mail if you have any question or request such as these below.

We would like to understand markets and business in Japan.
We would like to introduce our marketing products, information or data, to Japanese businesses.


No1 Annex Shinmaki-cho Bldg 2F
2-14, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 103-0027, Japan


Tel: +81-50-3085-9313




  TEL 050-3085-9313

Any question or request, please.
 e-mail: info@brain-rm.co.jp